Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 1 Reaction Post×576.jpg

WOW!!!! ? Just finished Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 1. I AM BLOWN AWAY!!! The series seems to have somehow taken a darker more visceral tone. APPLAUSE TO Studio MAPPA, Oh my GWOW!!! I care little about what the interwebs say, the animation is WAY better than that of the previous seasons. It’s like AoT just exploded into a monster of a different, scarier, more complex and serious nature; could be the new art style but judging by what I just witnessed, I’m sure the writing this season will be gripping as well.

The intro sequence was absolutely beautiful, 1000% improvement from last season. The episode started off fast, and within a few minutes I had to sit up straight, I was pulled away from planet Earth 2020.

I call the Jaw Titan, “MadMonkey”, its something about the way it moves.
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All the way up to the credits was a roller coaster ride of feelings; goosebumps did happen twice. The visuals put me in the mind of more vintage, and mature art style calling me back to the vein of Akira or bubblegum crisis; best anime art style I’ve seen in over a year.

I feel the beast Titan speaks to me.

The story seems to now present the devils P.o.V. challenging the viewers perception of who is right, wrong, evil, good, and who are you as the viewer rooting for because, no disrespect to Levi and the Nördlingen Scout Regimen but, the titans have fans.

When I saw Armored titan in action, oh cripes the hairs on my neck stood up, the art style made him so much more intimidating then we’ve ever seen.

We only had a chance to see a few old faces but I can’t wait to see episode 2.


Even the weirdest Titan, Cart Titan was fierce, I’m fighting becoming #TeamTitan.

Game Informer Shuts Down After 33 Years: End of an Era

Norcross, GA — In a surprising turn of events, Game Informer, the iconic gaming magazine, has officially ceased publication after a remarkable 33-year run. The news has left gamers and industry enthusiasts reflecting on the impact and legacy of this beloved publication.

Founded in 1991 by Andy McNamara, Game Informer quickly became a staple for gamers seeking in-depth reviews, previews, and exclusive content. Its monthly issues were eagerly anticipated, and the magazine’s staff—known for their passion and expertise—became trusted voices in the gaming community.

Game Informer’s influence extended beyond its print pages. The magazine’s website, podcasts, and YouTube channel provided additional platforms for engaging with gaming news and discussions. Its cover stories often revealed exclusive details about upcoming games, making it a must-read for fans. Despite its success, Game Informer faced challenges in recent years. The shift to digital media, the rise of online gaming journalism, and changing reader habits all contributed to declining circulation. The magazine struggled to maintain relevance in an ever-evolving landscape.

On July 31, 2024, parent company GameStop announced the closure of Game Informer. All staff members were laid off, marking the end of an era. The magazine’s final issue featured heartfelt farewells from longtime contributors, expressing gratitude to readers and colleagues. Game Informer leaves behind a rich legacy. From iconic cover art to memorable interviews, it played a significant role in shaping gaming culture. Fans fondly recall their favorite issues, cover stories, and heated debates sparked by reviews.

As we bid farewell to Game Informer, the gaming community mourns the loss while celebrating the memories. Many former staff members have already found new homes in other media outlets, ensuring that their voices continue to resonate.

While the magazine may no longer grace our coffee tables, its impact will endure. Game Informer will forever be remembered as a beacon of passion, knowledge, and camaraderie in the world of gaming.

Navigating the Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities for the MCU

The recent struggles faced by the MCU, with underperforming projects, departure of key personnel, and complex storytelling, raise questions about its future. While it’s going through a challenging phase, it’s important to acknowledge that several real-world factors, like contractual issues, tragic events, and external pressures, have contributed to these challenges. There’s hope that with a clearer path ahead, the MCU can overcome these obstacles.

Image Source: Navigating the Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities for the MCU

official_looking_timeline_for_the/In recent times, Marvel Studios has faced criticism for its abundance of content on Disney+, which has diluted the impact of its projects. While some MCU shows have succeeded by exploring characters and experimenting with storytelling, others have fallen short by relying too heavily on epic battles and convoluted plots. The overemphasis on explaining intricate time travel and multiverse concepts has also made the narrative more complex and less engaging for viewers.

Additionally, the departure of key actors and the effort to elevate secondary characters have posed challenges for Marvel. The loss of iconic figures like Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Panther has left a void that supporting characters are struggling to fill. The introduction of new characters hasn’t always yielded the desired results, and some projects have faced delays.

Despite these challenges, the MCU continues to expand with new characters, storylines, and timelines, making it increasingly difficult to follow and maintain viewer engagement. As it navigates these complexities, Marvel must strike a balance between quantity and quality, focusing on storytelling and character development rather than relying solely on spectacular battles and intricate plotlines. Ultimately, the future of the MCU remains uncertain, but there’s hope that it can regain its former glory by addressing these issues and delivering compelling narratives that resonate with audiences.

image Source

Read More: MCU reportedly considered avengers vs x-men movie

Comic Book Review: Calico

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Welcome back GiGa Community; as you all know, at fifteen years old, in 1992, I had an opportunity and pleasure of interning at Marvel Comics in Manhattan, New York; Spider-man office to be exact.  It was during that year that I had delved into the comic book industry, soaking it all in, down to my very fabric of my soul.  I loved all of the intellectual properties, their stories, and the craft; I knew I wanted Comics to be a part of my future life story.   I was a fan of some characters, and ambivalent to others, but never the less, just like family I loved them all (Some more than others of course); the environment moved my soul.  To this day, I still find being an artist to be one of my first loves, and comic books satisfied that yearning.  The culmination of efforts between a writer, penciler, inker, letterer, colorist, and editor was to me, an amalgamation of geniuses at work.  I love and respect the craft.

GiGa: GeekMagazine was contacted by Sigma Comics asking for an honest review of their newly released comic series, Calico.  I was unsure of who this new IP was that was entering the competitive arena, so I did superficial research, watched an interview, and a review; it seemed to be worth the read.   The first complimentary comic came and as busy as I am, I opened it and felt the cover art seemed acceptable for a comic book in 2021, but I didn’t have a peaceful undisturbed moment to read it, so I left it on my desk to be ready for the day I found a free opportunity to read it, then write a review.  My family and I left the house for a few hours, and when I returned I went straight to my office and hadn’t realized the comic was no longer on my desk.  A few seconds after I sat down, my daughter calls me, “Papi, look what Ivi did”!

Ivi Snow knew She really did it this time.

Ivi Snow is one of my two white German Shepherds, she is 1½ years old, so I am accustomed to finding “surprises” when we come back home; I thought it was poop again. A minute later my daughter comes to my office holding my complimentary issue of Calico in shreds.  Needless to say I was peeved and Ivi knew it. Then I remembered what the premise of the comic was.  “NYC HAS A NEW ANTIHERO. Every day millions of animals are abused and killed. Animal rights groups and charities try to help, yet the savagery continues.”  Sigma Comics appears to be committed to fighting animal abuse. I laughed at the irony of this moment and took a picture of her with the destroyed comic, apparently, she enjoyed the comic.  I couldn’t read it, as a substantial part of the first few pages were now gone.  With that above picture attached to an email to Sigma comics, I humbly apologized and requested another review copy, I was willing to pay for it at this point, but the great people at Sigma found humor in the event as well and sent me another.
When the next copy arrived I kept it in my safe this time, and that night when I was done with work, I read it before I went to bed.  I opened the cover and this time, I was able to really absorb the content.   I applauded the first impression, it was transparent in showing their allegiance to the cause, “American Humane”, as a parent to two German Shepherds, I was sold. 

The first page was gripping, showing an example of the atrocities committed upon animals and the visualization was almost too tough to bear, but I was roped in, I had to read on.  We get our first glimpse into the soul of our Anti-Hero on page two, with tears running from angry eyes, the penciler, inker, and colorist nailed the conviction this character was driven by, and we’re then introduced to Calico “A one-man arsenal of destruction in constant pursuit of justice for the smallest and weakest among us…” 

In his apartment he works his frustration on a double end bag, his thoughts speak poignant commentary as to the nature of life being nothing but conflict in every facet of existence and we see where his psychological state dwells; he’s scared and/or resentful of life and bitterly expresses this in his own twisted way.  The Boxing Gym advertisement on page 5 could easily be dismissed as fictitious until a little research clarified that it is indeed a real business; as an ex-fighter boxer, martial artist, and ex-body guard myself, I respected that blurring between fantasy and reality as it was perfectly in line with the tale that I was uploading to my brain.

The writer then takes the reader on a journey through the life of Calico, recalling childhood memories of being bullied.  This alludes to post traumatic damage; he hates bullies and had long since made the decision to suffer them no longer.  We next accompany the protagonist from his apartment to a local boxing gym where he trains and prepares for an upcoming tournament, and while there, he loses himself in the art of combat.  His thoughts become louder than spoken words; he’s a fighter with unfortunate luck, struggling skill, and lots of animosity.  Here is where the reader learns this character has no reservation about the thought of condemning the abuser to death and that animals were his only friends since his youth.

Page 8 we’re given a full frontal nude of the hero in the shower after leaving the gym, even in the shower he’s consumed by antipathy as conveyed by more flashbacks of the same bully from his youth; he’s never recovered from those years.  This memory was different, ironically, it was in this recollection where he was impressed by an alley-cat that scared off the bully and his dog, which serves as a perfect transition into revealing his super-hero outfit emblazoned with a black cat’s profile in front of what appears to be a moon.  He also has a flying robotic AI assistant named Bumble that is a metallic sphere with one camera eye. Then, we’re back to his childhood memories, this time he evokes the very first time he inflicted pain by punching that bully in the face before fleeing the scene.  Page 13 is where things escalate quickly, so I won’t spoil it for interested readers.

So here’s my honest review and rating:

  • Comic book Production:  
    I feel the writing could have been more impacting and/or expansive; a name would have been nice to have, but it served its purpose; The art is what communicated the story the most.  Lettering was great, the penciling and inking were acceptable as well, but gets a little hard to understand what’s happening during the murder scene.   
  • The Character:
    His real name is never revealed, but from how Calico was insultingly called a “Dominican York” translated from Spanish, he is likely Latino. I think the character is less anti-hero and more of a deranged, sociopathic, villain with post-traumatic stress. He’s fed a list of targets by an unknown accomplice, he intends to kill, (and/or violate) which to me is the modus operandi of a serial killer. I couldn’t see the word “Hero” being applicable to this guy in anyway.
  • The full frontal nude, to me, was unnecessary, but being a student at the Art Institute of Atlanta I’ve drawn male nudes before, so I respect the art, 100%.  That scene only became awkward after the second penis comment. Which helped me to get a better understanding  of the mind of the protagonist as portrayed and communicated by the writer. I think the outfit really is too similar to Black Panther.
  • As per the multiple male phallus related comments and insults, along with, what I found to be excessive homo-erotic language, it seemed in my humble opinion, as if there’s other unresolved issues besides being bullied that Calico has never addressed.   In one scene, I had to look at one scene under better light to understand that Calico actually violates or rapes his victim with a red hot pipe, all while making references to size; he says to his victim, “Relax! It’s only one-inch thick pipe. In penis size its only four-inch girth. You got this”.  the last unnecessary thing I read that really nailed the coffin shut for me was the statement, “F*** em. Hard. in the @ss. With no vaseline”.
  • Concept:
    I personally, don’t think the character could have longevity, and if so possibly as a novelty act; appropriate for an 8-Issue Series. He possibly may develop a fan base, but with a very niche market.  He is not a “Deadpool” type of anti-hero, I’d say this brooding character is damaged psychologically which easily could bleed over into villainy. I couldn’t see the Dark Knight tolerating this character, or working with him in any way, and would probably bring him to justice.  In comparison to other anti-heroes, such as Hulk, Ghost Rider, Blade, or the Punisher, I’d say even Frank Castle wouldn’t see his motivations, means, or ends as acceptable.  I see a more deviant sociopathic “Joker” kind of weirdness from Calico minus the smiles and laughing.

Conclusion:  It’s a comic book, it fits the criteria. I wasn’t left feeling like I want to read more, but I am only one man, with one opinion worth 2 cents.  I endeavor to say it could have been written for a broader appeal to a wider audience; for me, I feel the niche-aspect will leave some put off or uninterested.  But somehow, I’m sure this will pull the targeted audience it was meant for.  In the end, Sigma successfully this debut is a great accomplishment for the creators and production team and for that I salute and respect their creative vision, hard work, and love for the craft. 

I’d give it 3 out 5 Stars


Image Sources:


Given that this week we get to start Wonder Woman Rebirth, we will feature the Wonder Woman of Down Under, Lani.

Lani is one of the few cosplayers that doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. Well known for her cosplays of women with a lot of power under the hood such as Forever (Lazarus) and Diana (Wonder Woman), she is also incredibly down to earth and one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure to talk with from the cosplay community.

Wonder Woman Photo by: Cosplay Australia

Lani / Heroine For Hire

Brisbane, Australia

When was your first cosplay
High school during the 90s.

What was it
Lara Croft

Cosplay achievements:
I guess having creators give me major love. Greg Rucka, Kelly Sue Deconnick and Marguerite Bennett are all amazing humans. Having Greg publish my Forever Carlyle in an issue of Lazarus is well up there with a highlight of my life. The greater Internet community writing articles about my Wonder Woman was pretty nice too.

Forever Carlyle: Lazarus Photo by: Pezonator

Cosplay pet peeve

In doing it? Underestimating the time it will take every single time (also shipping materials from the US – nightmare) .For Cosplay in general? I think it’s the idea that cosplay is for anyone in general. Cosplay is just an artistic way to express a love for your fandom; I think that idea needs to be celebrated more.

What inspired you to get into cosplay?

More recently, partially because I wanted to develop skills and I kept seeing these amazing cosplays coming up all the time. Partially because I know I can represent something different maybe, and maybe someone can get inspired by it.

What is the piece you are most proud of?
Red Sonja is my new most proud because of attempting Scale mail for the first time. Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman are well up there though.

Red Sonja Photo by: Tom Ellwood Photography

Who is your dream team to work on a cosplay with?

Oh as in other cosplayers? I haven’t really done a *team* yet. However, there is something super exciting coming up for the end of this year with Belikovs Costumes and Baby Got Cap Cosplay.

What is a typical day in the life of you when working on a cosplay?

CHAOS! Lots of yelling at things. Sometimes a EUREKA moment too.

How long does it take to do an average cosplay?

From start to finish with no disasters it usually takes a fortnight if I really get into it. The longest has been two months and the shortest has been a week.


Lara Croft Photo by: Duckworth Industries

What is the process how do you start from picking out the cosplay to finally wearing it?

First of all a character really has to mean something to me. So I have a list of my loves and concepts and art work handy as I’m cruising around the internet. Then when I finally decide that I’ve wasted enough time NOT doing it, I will break down the costume into its parts and try to sketch out details from every angle. I will shop around for fabrics and possible patterns if I need them and order the Worbla (or whichever thermoplastic I am using at the time) and start to pull it all together. I’m never working on just one aspect, it’s often every little bit at once so that while something is drying or I’ve had enough of sewing there are other aspects of things to be working on. Then it’s just about putting the time in and not being afraid to ask for help and not procrastinating about the harder bits.

Who are your inspirations?

In Cosplay it’s my friends, my friends are amazing people who really constantly challenge themselves the way I also like to challenge myself. I think it’s important to surround yourself with people who are always going to make you strive to be that bit better and add just that little more extra thing to your cosplay. Other than that, it’s really down to the Characters and the creators. If I LOVE a Character and a creator has done amazing things, I will work my butt off to do that justice.

What is the current project you are working on?

I am working on Rebirth Wonder Woman and Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy.

What is your dream project?

I think I am doing it! Wonder Woman is my lady. Though I can’t look past the urge to do a big armoured piece eventually.

Captain Marvel Photo by: Cosplay Australia

If you could pick anyone to act as your mentor, who would it be?

Well Yaya Han is amazing, the intricate details and skills that woman has. But Major Sam is incredible! The amount of work and details and effort she puts into everything blows my mind.

How has the industry changed since you first started?

I think it’s become more competitive, and in a way less inclusive feeling to outsiders.  There is a more business aspect to the way people present themselves (which isn’t bad at all, don’t get me wrong) and so there can be a perception that you have to be at this high level immediately which isn’t the case at all.
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How do you feel about the change to mainstream thanks to shows like The Big Bang Theory and the movies now in the cinema like Spiderman and Batman vs Superman?

Hey the more people who are around to listen to me talk on and on and on about my geek loves the better. I think there are some issues with fandom things, and recently there’s been a lot of discussion about that which was long overdue. But if it means here is more people buying comic books and more people to keep things afloat then hell yeah.

Wonder Woman Photo by: Pandora

Fun time:

 Who is your favourite comic book character?

How dare you make me choose just one. I can give you my top 5 of all time: Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Danny Rand/Iron Fist, Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, and Big Barda.

Who is your favourite author (books)?

Greg Rucka, Brian K Vaughn, Brian Bendis, Charles Soule, Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker.

What is your favourite movie?

I cannot choose just one, I love too many movies. Ha-ha.

What is your favourite band/music artist?

Soundgarden, Muse, You Am I.

What is a quirk you have (like dipping fries into chocolate Sunday)?

As an athlete (we always have the weirdest things) but I always thought it was a bad omen to go into competition uninjured.

Lady Thor Photo by: Pezonator


Day or night


Star trek or star wars


Coffee or tea


Summer or winter SUMMER

Cats or dogs


Batman or Superman


Movies or a book


Pizza or Burgers


Coke or Pepsi

COKE (zero)

For those wanting to see more of Lani’s work you can find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Next project release date of current project:

Brisbane Oz Comic Con!

Forever Carlyle: Lazarus Photo by: Pezonator