Game Informer Shuts Down After 33 Years: End of an Era

Norcross, GA — In a surprising turn of events, Game Informer, the iconic gaming magazine, has officially ceased publication after a remarkable 33-year run. The news has left gamers and industry enthusiasts reflecting on the impact and legacy of this beloved publication.

Founded in 1991 by Andy McNamara, Game Informer quickly became a staple for gamers seeking in-depth reviews, previews, and exclusive content. Its monthly issues were eagerly anticipated, and the magazine’s staff—known for their passion and expertise—became trusted voices in the gaming community.

Game Informer’s influence extended beyond its print pages. The magazine’s website, podcasts, and YouTube channel provided additional platforms for engaging with gaming news and discussions. Its cover stories often revealed exclusive details about upcoming games, making it a must-read for fans. Despite its success, Game Informer faced challenges in recent years. The shift to digital media, the rise of online gaming journalism, and changing reader habits all contributed to declining circulation. The magazine struggled to maintain relevance in an ever-evolving landscape.

On July 31, 2024, parent company GameStop announced the closure of Game Informer. All staff members were laid off, marking the end of an era. The magazine’s final issue featured heartfelt farewells from longtime contributors, expressing gratitude to readers and colleagues. Game Informer leaves behind a rich legacy. From iconic cover art to memorable interviews, it played a significant role in shaping gaming culture. Fans fondly recall their favorite issues, cover stories, and heated debates sparked by reviews.

As we bid farewell to Game Informer, the gaming community mourns the loss while celebrating the memories. Many former staff members have already found new homes in other media outlets, ensuring that their voices continue to resonate.

While the magazine may no longer grace our coffee tables, its impact will endure. Game Informer will forever be remembered as a beacon of passion, knowledge, and camaraderie in the world of gaming.