Okay, I’m not the biggest fan of Batman. In fact, there are few things from the DC Universe that get me going. All of that changed when a friend loaned me a copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum. The game captured everything that the character does right: investigating, taking out enemies from the shadows, and coming face to face with iconic villains. Not only did that game spark my interest in the character as a whole, the game was so popular that it sparked two other games. Now, as developers begin to push into the new generation of consoles, Batman returns in a new game, armed with a slew of new toys.
For the first time in the Arkham series, players will be able to drive in the Batmobile. Judging from the trailer, it will tote the usual missiles and turbo boosts, but it’s the seamless launch of Batman into a glide that proves to be the most interesting. Titanfall recently showed players just how helpful A.I. mechanics can be, and the Batmobile may be even more useful. Batman also has new armor: a knight-like tank of joints and hidden gadgets.

Super villains make frequent appearances in the franchise, including a Krueger inspired Scarecrow. The Scarecrow first appeared in Arkham Asylum and his hallucinogenic levels tapped deep into Bruce Wayne’s psyche. Who knows what vile deeds the King of Nightmares has planned on his valiant return. Players with the gumption to pre-order the game will be able to play as another well-known villain, Harley Quinn.
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The trailer also hints at Batman’s death. While superhero death is usually fleeting, this could have monumental power on the narrative of the series. It’s always hard to see a series come to a close. Yet, this has been a refreshing journey into Batman’s world. Let’s hope the hype isn’t spoiled.
Players will be able to don the Bat’s armor later this fall.
Check out the new trailer here: http://youtu.be/7q4U_QRcg84