Category Archives: Games and Software

Is There Any Hope for Capcom?

Before I outline where Capcom has made mistakes, let me say just how big of a fan I am of its games. Some of my favorite games of all time were made by Capcom: Resident Evil 4, Megaman X, and Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse. Seeing the Capcom label makes me happy, and it is one of of my top five game companies.

However,  Capcom needs to reconsider a few things.

Every now and again Ryu needs a refresher I guess. Is this why there are so many games?


Being a huge fighting-game fan, there has always been a special place in my heart for Street Fighter. Unfortunately, recent games in the series seem to just repackage the game, while it still lacks the game modes, extras, and overall attention the franchise deserves. Fighting games have been lacking in these areas for the past seven to eight years. In fact, the last fighting game I considered worth full price was Soul Calibur 2, which had a great roster, unlockable weapons, and an abundance of game types. Hell, even Capcom knows this, which is obvious in the newest piece of downloadable content for Dead Rising 3.

To find Ryu, Chun-Li, and Blanka a new home would be strange, but there is one company that could do it best: Arc System Works, the brilliant minds behind Guilty Gear and Blazblue.

They gave this partner a gun and it doesn’t make her less whiny?!


Resident Evil has been plagued with a choppy plot, stiff gameplay, and terrible voice acting to the point that these features are almost a staple.  It’s surprising that these games were once considered revolutionary and scary. Probably the most aggravating part of these games are the fixed camera angles, often resulting with a zombie eating the player’s face unfairly. More times than not, the controls would not react as quickly and I would find myself battling the game’s mechanics rather than its monsters.

The last shining gem in the series for me is Resident Evil 4, a game that surpassed the expectations of pretty much every game magazine at the time. In typical Capcom flair, two games have been made in that style so far and they’re often put down. Proving that more of the same doesn’t necessarily work, especially when more action is added in a horror game. The last games felt more like a poorly made Gears of War.

From Software should jump on owning Resident Evil.  Opening up the world of Resident Evil and filling it with danger would return the game back to its scary roots, while adding a new level of challenge.

Fighting the Lagiacrus is like running head first into a brick wall.
Fighting the Lagiacrus is like running head first into a brick wall.


Monster Hunter follows a simple, rather ingenious formula: players kill monsters, to get loot, to make better stuff, to kill bigger monsters, and so on. It’s a game that focuses on gameplay, letting everything else simply fall into place. Unfortunately, I’ve always thought Monster Hunter felt a little bare-bones. The world, while it looks vast, is actually small and contained in a few maps. The graphics are lacking compared to almost every other game on the market. Gameplay seems to be more hindering than innovative, probably because each game is released on a handheld or lacks an extra thumbstick. Monster Hunter needs to expand, without losing the gameplay that works.

Bethesda is one of the best companies when it comes to an open world. It would add so much to the Monster Hunter franchise.
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Hey, now here's an idea.
Hey, now here’s an idea.


Capcom’s flagship character Megaman was leaps and bounds ahead of other games. The NES and SNES titles were expertly designed in gameplay, visuals, and sound. The problem with this character was the over-saturation of titles. Capcom has a tendency to latch onto something that works and milk it dry. There were six Megaman games on the NES alone and way too many with Megaman’s name.

Sure, Capcom did play around with different game-styles for the Blue Bomber, and Megaman Battle Network redesigned the hero, turning him into a program and changing the game into a fairly interesting RPG; however, with so many sequels, versions, and translation errors, Megaman Battle Network didn’t have the energy to carry on.

So who would give Megaman the revival he needs? Considering Mighty No. 9 is picking up where Megaman left off, this team should want to put Megaman in the best possible light. Even though they also have a tendency to assault dead horses, Nintendo would actually be a good (but risky) fit.

Think about what system the cancelled Megaman Legends 3 was set to come out on: the Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo does consider its fans, even as many still shout for Mother 3 or yet another Zelda. Nintendo could revive that project and bring a console-selling title to their library.

Capcom messed up, a lot. Mostly  due to them pumping out game after game of their major franchises without changing much. How many versions of Street Fighter 2 are there? Just counting different updates—not the spin-offs and whatnot—there are seven. Why Capcom does this is beyond my capacity to figure out. Sure, I love its characters and many of the games, but there’s a logical point to stop and try something new.

Capcom has what it takes to make great games, but instead chooses to ignore that more often than not. Hopefully whatever purchases are made will benefit each franchise.

Till then, I’ll happily fire up my SNES to blast away Chill Penguin.






Who Should Buy Capcom’s Games

The recent news that Capcom is “for sale” after losing its buy protection has left gamers stunned. This is a company with a 30-year history in the gaming world going all the way back to the NES. Their library of games rivals Nintendo and Sega in size, popularity, and notoriety. Now, much like Rareware in the early 2000s, Capcom or its intellectual properties could be purchased by the highest bidder. What will its future be? Nobody knows.

This may not be a bad thing, though. Barring the entire company getting bought, here are the developers I think should purchase Capcom’s many properties.

Megaman-Collage11. MegaMan—among other things—should go to Nintendo

The Blue Bomber is practically Capcom’s mascot. He was a staple of both the NES and SNES. He single-handedly put Capcom on the map. Yet the company has all but ignored him for years.  MegaMan Universe was canceled, a game that was supposed to celebrate his 25th anniversary, in favor of funding the fan-made game Street Fighter x MegaMan. He was snubbed for Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but (sorta) appeared in Street Fighter x Tekken. Then Nintendo throws MegaMan into the next Super Smash Bros. and reminds everyone why he’s cool.

It’s settled. Nintendo should buy MegaMan; they treat him with respect. They have a history of creating amazing platformers and 3D action/adventure titles full of heart and excitement. Nintendo is the Pixar of video games, after all. But it shouldn’t stop there—Nintendo should grab Capcom’s other classic titles like Ghosts and Goblins and Commando for that reason. Capcom’s more off-kilter games like Ace Attorney and RPGs like Breath of Fire would be well-suited for Nintendo, too.

61GJ5W67RQL._SY300_2. The Clover Studio titles should go to Platinum Games

In the mid-2000s, Capcom was host to Clover Studio, a team of game developers known for quirky games that oozed cool. These included the Viewtiful Joe series, Okami, and God Hand. Eventually, though, Clover was disbanded. Since then, the team has gone independent and renamed itself several times. Currently, they are Platinum Games, who made the hit game Bayonetta.

This is a prime opportunity for them to reacquire what was originally theirs and revive them. Capcom has done little with any of Clover’s characters except feature them in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Platinum could finally make a third Viewtiful Joe game and complete the story, among other things.

Darkstalkers_Resurrection3. Darkstalkers should go to Arc System Works

Darkstalkers was Street Fighter for goths. The series was steeped in horror tropes and featured characters who were re-imaginings of classic Universal monsters like Frankenstein and the Wolfman. While a few of its characters—most notably the succubus Morrigan—have appeared in other games, the series has been largely ignored (noticing a pattern here?).
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Arc System Works, which created Guilty Gear and BlazBlue, should buy this series. Those games have similar sensibilities and Arc has a great track record at making hyperactive, story-driven, and bizarre fighting games. Plus, there were rumors a decade ago of a crossover game between Darkstalkers and Guilty Gear. If Arc buys Darkstalkers, this crossover could become a reality!

256px-DMC1FrontCover4. Devil May Cry should go to Ninja Theory

This is a no-brainer. Ninja Theory already rebooted Capcom’s action/horror series in 2013. While that game annoyed some of the series’ hardcore fans, it was a successful re-launch. Ninja Theory could continue this new “alternate reality” series and make a fifth game for the original.

sengoku-basara-samurai-heroes-box-art5. Sengoku Basara goes to Tecmo/Koei

Again, another no-brainer, but for different reasons. Sengoku Basara is Capcom’s version of Koei’s long-running Dynasty Warriors hack-and-slash games. In fact, Sengoku features some of the same characters, albeit with different designs. Since the two are pretty much the same game, Koei would be remiss not to buy it, if for no other reason than to eliminate competition. A better thing Koei could do would be to have a weird crossover game involving inter-dimensional travel.

capcom_digital_collection_games6. Everything else should go to Sony

Street Fighter, Final FightResident Evil, and a host of other games belong at Sony (assuming they don’t buy all of Capcom). Why? For the simple reason that the majority of Capcom’s fanbase plays Sony’s consoles. Xbox, despite its impressive specs, isn’t nearly as popular in Japan. Nintendo’s consoles have lacked top-of-the-line hardware and have become less appealing to hardcore gamers. Sony, however, has neither of those issues. Plus, Capcom recently announced it is making an exclusive game for the PS4.

With the right teams, Sony could maintain the momentum of Street Fighter and reinvigorate the faltering Resident Evil. Plus, the companies have a past relationship. Sony was Capcom’s company of choice in the late ‘90s and early 2000s, creating many exclusive titles for the PS1 and PS2. Sony knows better than to ruin Capcom like Microsoft did with Rareware.

What do you think? Should Capcom’s games be bought piecemeal or as a whole? Who should buy them?

Sigh . . . E3 2014

You may have noticed the  lack of E3 fan fair (unlike most geeky sites) on Giga. I must admit, it’s my fault. After covering E3 (from the comfort of my home) for the past two years, I have grown a bit numb and have lost much interest in the great spectacle that is the Electronic Entertainment Expo. No, I’m not jealous of the lucky people who get to peruse the upcoming games, take pictures with  booth babes, swim through crowds of people, and stand in long lines for hours, nor have I lost interest in my geekiness. I guess . . . I guess I just don’t care.

Or maybe I just don’t like to be repeatedly teased and roused for 30 seconds for games I may not see for years or ever. When a game is about a month away from its release, go ahead and announce it, get me excited, but if it’s still a year in the making, don’t make me hate you. If it sounds interesting, I’ll still try it out; I don’t need six years to decide whether or not I’m interested in a game. Don’t get me wrong, seeing an awesomesauce trailer or some great gameplay can be entertaining, but what if what you see is not the final product (i.e. Forza or Aliens: Colonial Marines)?

The drama, hype, and pageantry surrounding E3 isn’t very appealing either. Console against console, company against company, who had the best press conf—sigh. All this hype to watch a guy (most of the time) give a stiff delivery of a memorized script. The attempts to throw in an awkward joke or two makes me cringe. The press conferences are always so mechanical rather than being relaxed and fun, like a bunch of friends talking about cool sh**. Cheesy? Yes, but I’m sure it would be better than what we’re getting now. Even Aisha Tyler tried her best to pump some life into E3 2012.
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Checking my Facebook feed was enough for me, and I was still excited when something interesting popped up. Honestly, if someone stood on a stage and read a list of games along with headlines from any media outlet covering E3 (i.e. “Your PS4 Friends Don’t Need Far Cry 4 to Play Far Cry 4,” “The Last of Us: Remastered PS4 Release Date Announced,” “The New Zelda Is Open-World, Looks Absolutely Incredible,” “Bloodborne Is Coming to PS4 Straight From the Minds of Dark Souls”) I would be quite satisfied.

Maybe when I’m finally able to go, I’ll be more excited and understand the greatness of E3. Til then, I’ll continue to write about the indie games that deserve a moment in the spotlight.

The Console Wars: E3 2014

Everyone is probably wondering who “won” E3. Microsoft brought game after game with impressive demos and trailers. Sony boasted that their camera was optional and showed some really impressive titles, even showing how fun and unscripted a demo can be. Nintendo brought to life the dreams of children with games made of yarn and clay, and toys that can come to life. All in all, this year’s E3 was better than last, but if I were to pick a “winner” I would have to give it to Nintendo.

Image from
Image from

Now, while I’m sure many disagree, let me defend my stance. Even in the early days of the Super Nintendo, major franchises and characters have been given many sequels and spin-offs. Who knows how many Mario and Zelda titles gamers have played over the years? In the coming year, Nintendo will continue to bank on their major characters; however, the creativity they’re putting into these games to make them feel unique is what really impressed me. I’m actually excited to play Hyrule Warriors, a game many would think is a Dynasty Warriors clone. Dynasty Warriors is by no means a perfect game to emulate either—often plagued with repetition. However, the fact that Nintendo is taking this risk is what makes it cool. I had a similar experience with Pokemon Conquest on the DS. The game was by no means perfect, but the different approach to one of my favorite franchises was refreshing and interesting. I can’t wait to try out Yoshi’s Wooly World, simply because it feels different and familiar at the same time. Not many games capture that feeling and the fact of the matter is only games can capture that feeling.

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Yet, the true winners at E3 are the gamers. Developers slave for years to bring gamers the best entertainment our world has to offer. Each year brings new technology and innovation. We are privileged to be able to fabricate these experiences that are almost impossible to have. When was the last time you spent the afternoon strolling through a dark forest in search of a dragon’s cave? When was the last time you saved the planet from an alien invasion with most advanced weaponry available? When was the last time you huddled in a corner, wracked with fear, while an ogre sniffed the air in search of a meal?

Screenshot from
Screenshot from

For me, it was yesterday in a video game.

Alex’s Take: Nintendo E3 2014

 With so many safe games being released by Nintendo recently and their company teetering on the Wii U with the 3DS barely keeping them afloat, there must have been a lot of pressure for Nintendo. This was the event I looked forward to the most. I’ve always enjoyed their characters and most of their games, even though I’ll admit that they’ve made some mistakes recently. Nintendo has a chance to make a comeback, but they’ve got to be careful with their games. Super Smash Bros. 4 looks like it will be Nintendo’s saving grace.

Nothing says childhood like putting toys together in a battle arena; that’s exactly what Smash Bros. is all about. Recently, Nintendo leaked that they are releasing toys with chips in their bases to be used in the game, much like Skylanders and Disney Infinity. These toys were shown in a hilarious video as Miyamoto pulls out a sweet-looking Mario figure to help him in his fight. It was also said that four other games would also be compatible with the figures: Mario Kart 8, Mario Party 10, Captain Toad, and Yoshi’s Wooly World. These toys could be the edge Nintendo needs to come out on top, especially during this holiday season.

While I could say just how excited I am to play the new Zelda or Pokemon, I’m choosing to highlight one of the more interesting games coming soon. Because every game company needs a multiplayer shooter, Nintendo stepped up to the plate to reveal Splatoon. Splatoon, at a glance, looks like a child’s Team Fortress 2; however, the more it was discussed, the more unique it revealed itself to be. In the game, players play as squid people who use ink guns to cover a map with their color. The team with the highest percentage of the map covered wins. Things get even more complex as players can transform into squids to move quicker on their color or hide from enemies beneath their ink. The ink can also be used to defend, as members of the opposite team can cut off a route, slowing down enemies tremendously. The sheer strategy and whimsy of Splatoon is staggering. I’ve never been more excited about something brand new from Nintendo. Now if only Nintendo would release a PC client so I can continue yelling obscenities at cartoons on my monitor.

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Overall, Nintendo’s press event was fun and showed off the innovation they’re famous for. Choosing to take a more direct route, they showed off their games in a digital broadcast without an audience. Their videos were expertly designed and showed the attention to detail that Nintendo has. Each game was shown in its best light and was discussed by the people behind them with super relevant backgrounds. Unfortunately, this expert delivery was lost as soon as the Nintendo Treehouse began after the broadcast.

There’s nothing more painful than watching television hosts struggle on a live show. The two people chosen for the event were awkward and seemed really uncomfortable. It was a terrible contrast to the previous video mastery. There were a few funny moments though, especially when they started discussing Mario Party 10. Apparently, the player with the Wii U Gamepad will be able to play as Bowser and be a big jerk to the other players. The male host responded with, “I’m sure I’ll be at the receiving end of your jerkiness.” Honestly, I tuned out when they said that the Treehouse was going to last over 20 hours. I couldn’t take it anymore, but even with that blunder, Nintendo’s event was still exciting and a blast to watch.

Nintendo brought a level of wonder and humor to E3 that other developers didn’t have. Robot Chicken actually helped open the digital event, in which Nintendo made fun of themselves. I thought I was going to die of laughter when the man yelled, “Come on Nintendo! Where’s Mother 3?” Almost every gamer has grown up alongside Mario and his crew, making him special and relatable. The developers of these games have fun and enjoy their jobs. They want to bring that fun and joy to their audience, even if that means making Yoshi out of  yarn or Kirby out of clay. No other video games capture this magic, which is why gamers of all ages love Nintendo.