Category Archives: Games and Software

New Pokemon Titles Announced, So What

Now, I am not typically in the habit of so quickly and easily dropping things that I have enjoyed since childhood, but I feel that my love for Pokemon has finally faded.

I played them all religiously. I even made an earnest effort to catch them all, as the tagline so demands of us all. Now comes the announcement of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and I immediately felt . . . nothing. “Here comes another remake,” I said to myself even though the teaser trailer clearly says “explore a dramatic new world.” I expect a region we have seen before, Pokemon we have seen before and the slightest of tweaks to the gameplay mechanics. I don’t completely hold it against them because, hey “if it ain’t broke . . .” as they say, but I feel like there can be more done with the franchise.

It has been far too long since Nintendo consoles have seen a solid Pokemon title and the Wii U could definitely use the boost. There is a level of depth that the developer, Game Freak, seems to be avoiding for the sake of keeping the game accessible, but I believe gamers are ready for it.

Just in time for Christmas, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will hit stores worldwide November of this year. It remains to be seen if this will be a legit Pokemon experience or just a revenue generator for future titles. Stay tuned.
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Keipr Online is Back!!

If you haven’t heard already, Keipr Online is back in development! YAY!

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Indie Alert: Tulpa

They say never judge a book—in this case game—by its cover. Well, I did exactly that when I first looked at Tulpa. The graphics immediately caught my attention and I assumed this was going to be an interesting game. I’m not a huge fan of platformers (I know, I know, blasphemy right?), but the concept behind this game makes it more than just another indie side-scroller.

Tulpa Stage4 - 3

The word tulpa is a Tibetan Buddhism term to describe “any unreal, illusory, or mind created apparition.” Using concepts from occultism and theosophy, Encryptique creates an odd world of puzzles and mystery.

Players will control two characters: the main character, Ophelia and her tulpa, Oliver.  Oliver has a telekinetic power, which gives him the ability to move otherwordly objects. Ophelia has no special powers, but you still need her to grab and push objects that aren’t mystical. Using both characters, players will roam this odd world solving weird puzzles while looking for answers to Ophelia and her tulpa’s mysterious past.
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Tulpa Stage2 - 1

Only two students from the Technological Institute of Larisa, Greece and a musician make up the Encryptique development team. With their game nearly finished, they just need help getting the right tools to finalize their hard work. You can help them out on their indiegogo page and give them a vote on their Steam Greenlight page. Learn more about Tulpa and the developers on their website.

Indie Alert: Hush

I don’t remember being afraid of much when I was a kid. When I was five, I begged my mom to let me see the 3D release of Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare; I loved every moment of it and watched without a flinch. For Halloween, I was never a princess or a fairy; I was always something scary. I loved to be scared and embraced it, until I realized I was afraid of clowns and then later I became afraid of those creepy ass porcelain dolls—maybe just dolls in general; dolls have no souls and they just stare at you with wide death eyes.

The point I’m getting at is everyone—even I—had childhood fears, and sometimes those fears linger on through adulthood (clowns, no one likes clowns). Game Studio 78 has taken the fears and phobias we had as kids and used them to create a story- and character-driven adventure game called Hush.


You play as Ashlyn, a little girl who is trapped in a demented orphanage. She must build up her courage to overcome her fears and escape. With the help of her best friend (a stuffed animal named GoGo) and various toys she finds on her adventure, you will have to hack and slash your way through enemies. Because the developers want to challenge its players, hacking and slashing won’t always work. Sometimes players will have to use a mix of strategy and stealth to take down a difficult enemy.


Ashlyn’s courage plays an important part in this game. With enough courage, she can defeat mighty foes; however, if her courage is too low, she will panic, which will force you to hide or even faint. Along with the status bar, sound is also an indicator of how much courage you have. Solving challenging puzzles will help Ashlyn progress through each level. Unlocking new routes to avoid dangers and cracking codes to unlock vital items will greatly help Ashlyn gain more courage.


To ensure Hush  receives the dedication and attention fans deserve, developers will adopt the episodic format. Each episode is divided into chapters representing a different fear that Ashlyn must overcome: “Fear of the Dark,” “Fear of Thunder,” and “Fear of Ghosts” will be the first three chapters for episode one. Other episodes will include fears like clowns, spiders, heights, etc.
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The creatures you have to face will be unique to each fear: “Fear of Thunder” will pit you against highly volatile automatons with a paralyzing ruckus, while “Fear of Ghosts” will force you to fight an evil kid-mastermind and his ghostly minions. Boss battles will pit you against enemies whom embody their correlating fear in the most terrifying way. Ashlyn’s stuffed best friend won’t be enough for the most dangerous battles, thus players will find various toy weapons that tie in with the chapter. Using experience, players will be able to upgrade and improve their weapons.


With influences from Alice: Madness Returns, Game Studio 78 wants to make sure players can relate to Ashlyn’s fears and journey to overcome them. Despite its kiddie-cartoon graphics, Hush will not be for the little ones; the sharp contrast between whimsy and horror makes this game more than a child’s fantasy.


With the help of its Indiegogo campaign, Game Studio 78 hopes to release the first episode in late 2014 on all platforms, including mobile. You can learn more about the developers on their website and check out more of their Hush artwork in the gallery.