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Fall at Turner Field Deemed Accident

After further investigation the tragic fall of a fan at Turner Field in Atlanta, Georgia last night appears to be an accident.

According to a release by the Associated Press, “30-year-old Ronald Homer of Conyers, Ga. fell 85 feet to his death at Turner Field on Monday night…Police say the fall appears to be an accident. No one was standing near Homer at the time and the incident wasn’t recorded on surveillance cameras.”
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The report also stated that the cause of death was blunt force trauma and that it could take “up to three weeks” for a toxicology report to come out.

Playstation 4 Release Date…Maybe

Well, it looks like Sony is attempting to completely turn the tables on Microsoft by jumping into the next-generation first. According to a mod-verified gaffer (someone the site recognizes as giving generally legit information), a release date for an “unnamed Sony console” just hit the retail company he works for. In previous instances, such as the release of updated slim systems like the PS3 or Xbox 360, the dates came with a specific system title. When the Wii U and Vita were released, however, they came listed as “unnamed Nintendo console” or “unnamed Sony console” respectively.

Now, if this is true and the PS4 does drop next month, let us take a moment to wrap our heads around this: 1) We all probably thought we had another month to save up for one if you have not already swiped your credit card for it on reserve. 2) The PS4 and Battlefield 4, one of the bigger titles coming out for the holiday season, will be released in the same month so there goes more bank for retailers 3) Will this really give Sony a big enough jump on Microsoft? Personally, I think this is along the lines of a timed exclusive and the people that really want the Xbox One over the PS4 are not going to jump ship just because Sony dropped first. The people on the fence, however, may be swayed simply because of availability.

I have never been a fan of surprises and I hate waiting, but it seems I have to deal with both in one shot. Is this the real date? We will all have to wait and see.
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Fan Falls 30 ft at Braves/Phillies Game – Later Dies in Hospital

According to breaking news from Atlanta’s WSBV Channel 2 News and Alexis Stevens from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a fan fell 30 feet from an upper deck at Turner Field, home of the Atlanta Braves.

The man’s name has not yet been released – neither has the cause of the fall. There seems to be some speculation as to whether the 2 hour rain delay had something to do with the man’s fall, but there has been no official report. The only details known is that the man fell and was transported to an area hospital around 9 p.m. – where he later died.

Unfortunately, this type of tragedy is not rare enough. About a year ago, in September 2012, a man attending a game between Tennessee and North Carolina at the Georgia Dome, fell over a railing, resulting in his death and the injury of another spectator.
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What’s worse, this isn’t the first fatal fall at Turner Field. In May 2008, a man fell down a stairwell, suffering head injuries and ultimately resulting in his death. Police did determine that alcohol contributed to the man’s fall.

All of this begs the question, what new safety precautions are being talked about in regards to our nation’s arenas? And are we going to start seeing stricter regulation in terms of how much alcohol fan’s are allowed to consume during a game?

SGN Senior Correspondent Liam Bancroft

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Science – Perseid Meteor Shower Aug.11th,12th, &13th

Courtesy of:
July 26, 2013:
  In astronomy, there’s nothing quite like a bright meteor streaking across the glittering canopy of a moonless night sky.  The unexpected flash of light adds a dash of magic to an ordinary walk under the stars.

New research by NASA has just identified the most magical nights of all.

“We have found that one meteor shower produces more fireballs than any other,” explains Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office.  “It’s the Perseid meteor shower, which peaks on August 12th and 13th.”

Video streaming by Ustream

Perseid Fireballs (splash)

A new ScienceCast video previews the 2013 Perseid meteor shower. Play it

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Using a network of meteor cameras distributed across the southern USA, Cooke’s team has been tracking fireball activity since 2008, and they have built up a database of hundreds of events to analyze. The data point to the Perseids as the ‘fireball champion’ of annual meteor showers.

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A fireball is a very bright meteor, at least as bright as the planets Jupiter or Venus.  They can be seen on any given night as random meteoroids strike Earth’s upper atmosphere. One fireball every few hours is not unusual.  Fireballs become more numerous, however, when Earth is passing through the debris stream of a comet.  That’s what will happen this August.

The Perseid meteor shower comes from Comet Swift-Tuttle.  Every year in early- to mid-August, Earth passes through a cloud of dust sputtered off the comet as it approaches the sun.  Perseid meteoroids hitting our atmosphere at 132,000 mph produce an annual light show that is a favorite of many backyard sky watchers.

Cooke thinks the Perseids are rich in fireballs because of the size of the parent comet.

“Comet Swift-Tuttle has a huge nucleus–about 26 km in diameter,” comments Cooke. “Most other comets are much smaller, with nuclei only a few kilometers across. As a result, Comet Swift-Tuttle produces a large number of meteoroids, many of which are large enough to produce fireballs.”

Perseid Fireballs (histogram, 558px)

Since 2008, the Perseids have produced more fireballs than any other annual meteor shower. The Geminids are a close second, but they are not as bright as the Perseids. “The average peak magnitude for a Perseid observed by our cameras is -2.7; for the Geminids, it is -2,” explains Bill Cooke. “So on average, Geminid fireballs are about a magnitude fainter than those in the Perseids.”

Cooke recommends looking on the nights of August 12th and 13th between the hours of 10:30 PM to 4:30 AM local time. Before midnight the meteor rate will start out low, then increase as the night wears on, peaking before sunrise when the constellation Perseus is high in the sky.

For every fireball that streaks out of Perseus, there will be dozens more ordinary meteors.

“Get away from city lights,” advises Cooke.  “While fireballs can be seen from urban areas, the much greater number of faint Perseids is visible only from the countryside.”

In total, the Perseid meteor rate from dark-sky sites could top 100 per hour.

That’s a lot of magic. Enjoy the show.


Author:Dr. Tony Phillips| Production editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

More information:

NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network