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Indie-Pennant: KOKUSAI Fighting Engine (UDC Test)

Kokusai Fighting Engine meets Zeiden Universe (Gideon Games)KokusaiFE 6
Introducing indie game developer Massimo Dean (founder of Kokusai Software) who has developed a proprietary fighting game engine currently being implemented with .XNA (For Microsoft XBOX).  This engine is the foundation of  U.D.C. (Universal Dominion Championship), a 1st House – Gideon Games traditional 2D fighter.  In this video Massimo tests and showcases the functionality of the Kokusai Fighting Engine.  For the the purpose of this example, copy-written and trademarked intellectual property of Zeiden Universe / 12 Houses Inc. has been replaced with stock art assets from Capcom’s Street Fighter.  Kokusai Software and 12 Houses Inc. claim no ownership of Ryu, backgrounds, sound, or music derived from Capcom.  All assets are used strictly for the sake of demonstration.

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MORE INFORMATION on The UDC/Kokusai Project

For more information on Kokusai Software or Kokusai Fighting Engine visit:


Other XBOX Live Indie Games News


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Time to drink some #coffee and review and test some xbox indie games #XBLIG.
Xbox Live Indie Games

Xbox Live Indie Games (abbreviated as XBLIG, and previously called Xbox Live Community Games) are user created video games released on
Xbox Live

for download including Xbox Live Arcade titles, Xbox indie games , original Xbox games , Xbox 360 game demos, game expansion material (e.g.
The big interview: Phil Harrison on Xbox One, Kinect, indie games and red rings

Eurogamer: I think if people were reading that in then they would probably look at the way that the Xbox Indie Games channel has diminished–. “We don’t make a distinction between whether a game is a 50-hour RPG epic or whether it is a puzzle game or 
Xbox One E3 press conference failed to show a commitment to indies

Because while the 360 was a haven for indie games through Xbox Live Arcade and the Xbox Indie Games program, it certainly appeared that the Xbox One might be moving away from indies in “It’s not you, it’s me” fashion. The company made a point of trying 
Top 10 360 quirks the Xbox One needs to fix

With a console cycle this long, retail discs that can be had for as little as $1.99 at Gamestop, and Xbox Indie Games that cost even less, it can be pretty easy to accrue a library of hundreds of games. I’ve done exactly that, and Microsoft doesn’t do


Cinema Sit-Down: Man of Steel

GIGA STaff Thumbs Rick copy
Author – William R. Llaneras

Cinema Sit-Down

Man of Steel Review
By: William R. Llaneras

 So I had Just gotten back from a late screening of “Man of Steel”, when it sunk in; “I LOVED IT”!

This is not your father’s Superman. This wasn’t a remake, it was an entire re-imagining of the character. The same way Christopher Nolan re-imagined the Dark Knight, and the same way Marvel re-imagined the Amazing Spider-Man in 2012.  This movie was the most “realistic” version of Superman to ever hit the screen, and the best acted. Every character from Russell Crowe’s “Jor-El”, to Michael Shannon’s “General Zod”, to Amy Adams’ “Lois Lane”, down to Christopher Meloni’s “Colonel Hardy” and Kevin Costner’s “Jonathan Kent” were exceptional!

I did have a slight problem with Diane Lane’s “Martha Kent”, but I blame the writing, not the actress; her acting was incomparable.  As for the Man of Steel himself, let me say this… Christopher Reeve was, is, and will always be my favorite Superman. With that being said, Henry Cavill did a hell of a great job distinguishing himself as the new Man of Steel.

The same way Andrew Garfield put his own stamp on his role as the new Spider-Man. I know some people (most likely over zealous comic book fans) will bitch about this and that, while finding flaws here and there. No matter what the nit-pickers say, it’s hard to deny this is (by far) the greatest Superman film of all-time; and don’t even get me stated on Hans Zimmer’s awesome score!   Thumbs Up!


Written By: William Rick Llaneras

edited By:   J.A.Montemoiño

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– Other Man of Steel News

Man of Steel (film)

Man of Steel is a 2013 American superhero film directed by Zack Snyder , produced by Christopher Nolan , and scripted by David S. Goyer .

Superman in film

plans to reboot the film series for a June 2013 release. Zack Snyder directed the reboot, titled Man of Steel , with David S. Goyer

Superman: The Man of Steel

Superman: The Man of Steel is a monthly American comic book series that ran 136 issues from 1991 to 2003 published by DC Comics ,

‘Man of Steel’ Soars With a Boost From IMAX

Man of Steel brought in $113 million in its opening weekend, about $25 million more than Warner Brothers (TWX) had projected. It’s officially the second-most-successful movie of the year, behind Iron Man 3 (which pulled in an astounding $174 million

What Would Man of Steel’s Destruction Cost?

There’s been much talk the past few days about the devastation wrought during the final act of Man of Steel. When General Zod and his team of Kryptonian fanatics “unleash the World Engine,” bad, bad stuff starts happening in Metropolis. And then

‘Man of Steel’ gets wrong about Superman (hint: that ending)

The most boring complaint a comic book fan can make about a comic book movie is “They Changed Stuff!” A superhero movie can, should, must be different from the source material. That’s partially just a matter of simple 

Shira Lazar: “Man of Steel” Reviews Hosted by Batman (WATCH)

“Man of Steel” had the biggest June opening in movie history this weekend, bringing in $125.1 million this weekend. Watch as Batman takes to the streets to get the real scoop and reviews from audiences and fans in 


GIGA: Industry Now – E3 Special Report – Part 3

Day 3 – E3 Special Report
By: Carlos Joel Nieves
GIGA STaff Thumbs Carlos

Nintendo: WiiU

OK, everybody, Carlos here with part 3 of our E3 report on Nintendo. Starting off I have to say, this was the weakest of all three presentations. This time, Nintendo decided to skip the usual E3 conference for a Nintendo Direct presentation on their main web site.  Nintendo showed off an incredible exclusive software line up both for the 3DS and WiiU but for now let’s concentrates on the WiiU.We have Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country’s: Tropical Freeze, Wonderful 101, Zelda Wind Walker HD, Sonic Lost World and Super Smash Bros.

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For many reasons this fantastic game catalog is just “too little too late”. In the upcoming console war, Nintendo has 3 major problems to overcome if they want to remain relevant and viable this holiday season.

1) Timing: They need to launch these games before 2014. Now, let’s be truthful here people, the WiiU is not selling. They need to give the consumer a reason to buy the console. Since the launch of the WiiU it has been lacking the AAA titles that it deserves. Nintendo is still directly competing with Sony and Microsoft; this is not 2007, and the WiiU is not the success story that the “Wii Console” was. They need to release these and stop living in their own bubble where the competition isn’t fierce and the rules don’t apply to them, especially on the eve of the next generation console.

2) Cost: Price cuts Nintendo! The Nintendo Wii U 32GB Deluxe Set is $349.99, for $50.00 more I can buy a PS4 at launch.

3) More original IP: Nintendo needs to expand their portfolio for a wider audience and age demographic.

Final Word
Now days, with almost all third party games coming to all 3 console, it is up to the first party game line-up to convince the consumer to buy the console. Ignoring Nintendo for a moment, in the end, Sony played their cards with the right crowd; it was pure marketing genius.

As a consumer I have to say it was an amazing conference. Microsoft needs to have a public control roundtable; rethink the price point and policy (make it more flexible for consumers). Both consoles have an excellent game lineup and online services. Remember Microsoft was the company that had a faulty console (Red Ring of Death) for years and people still bought it winning this console generation.  And Nintendo, they do whatever the F@$% they want.I still must insist that it’s too early to call a winner so early in the life cycle of these new consoles.

Written by- Carlos Joel Nieves 6/12/2013
Edited by- Jacques A Montemoiño 6/13/2012

Other News on the 2013 Console Wars.

Sony ps4 game line up ‹ RMBlogs | The Technology Central

Confirmed games for the ps4 are as follows this list will continually be updated. Killzone Shadow Fall: You play as an elite Shadow Marshal charged with keeping tensions between the Helghast and Vektans from boiling over.

List of PlayStation 4 games

References: com/ps4/games/contrast-ps4. html | title Contrast | publisher PlayStation | accessdate 2013-06-11 first Sinan | last Kubba | url

PlayStation 4

the console to the handheld, allowing supported games to be played remotely Sony hopes to make all PS4 games playable on the PlayStation Vita.

History of video game consoles (eighth generation)

com/b/news/archive/2013/05/29/report-sony-making-vita-remote-play-for-ps4-games-mandatory. aspx http://www. engadget. com/2013/06/13/shuhei-

There Are Now Over 500 Developers Working On PS4 Games

When Sony held their initial PlayStation 4 reveal in New York in February, the platform holder boasted there were 126 developers currently making games for the console. That wasn’t exactly a modest amount, but it pales into insignificance when compared

PS4 Free-To-Play Games Will Not Require PlayStation Plus

Are you happy to learn Sony will not require PS Plus where free-to-play PS4 games are concerned? Do you think this could be a sign that the PSN might be less restrictive than Xbox Live even in the next-gen? Tags: DC Universe Online, E3 2013

List of Xbox One games

This is a list of retail Xbox One games released or planned for release. There are currently 51 games on this list. Xbox One games


List of Xbox games | List of Xbox 360 games | List of Xbox One games | List of Xbox Live Arcade games | List of Xbox Live Arcade Kinect

Microsoft Studios

Business, announces Microsoft Studios is investing over $1 billion into exclusive Xbox One games content, twice of that of its competitors.

Microsoft: We Won’t Render Your Xbox One Games Unplayable Long-Term

This isn’t some paranoid view of the gaming future. EA regularly stops supporting most of their online games after the games are a few years old. Imagine that happening for an entire console. And then I’d never be able to play my Xbox One games again?

Xbox One Games At E3 Were Running On Windows 7 With Nvidia GTX Cards

You know how EA’s COO Peter Moore told Geoff Keighley during the post-conference interview at E3 that the games they were showing off on stage were running on comparable dev kit specs to the actual home consoles? Well…that’s not really true. What is 

Microsoft selling Xbox One first-party games for $59.99

Microsoft will sell its first-party games on Xbox One for $59.99, the same price as most new releases on the current generation of consoles, a representative for the company confirmed to Polygon. “I can confirm that Microsoft Studios games on Xbox One

E3 2013: Selling the Xbox One, PS4, Wii U in a tough climate

To be fair, all of the PS4 and Xbox One games shown looked spectacular. It’s impossible to judge a game during a five- or 10-minute play session, and perhaps that’s why so much attention was drawn to the visuals. During a quick demo of the PS4′s 

Tech-World: 2013 Samsung Smart TVs and Motion Control (Usher Video)


Samsung Electronics

Samsung later developed “Smart LED TV” (now renamed to “Samsung Smart TV ), which additionally supports downloaded apps . whole new Internet@TV.

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Samsung motion control tv….Loving it #lovestruck
Samsung UE55F8000 Review – TV and Hifi Reviews and Video …

A 5MP camera pops out of the top Jack-in-the-box style to fulfil your Skyping needs and bring Samsung’s motion-control feature to life. It’s much improved, with effective two-handed gesture recognition for waving through 
Using the Samsung Smart TV ES8000 Motion Controls | BrothaTech

The Samsung Smart TV ES8000 can see and react to your hand gestures to complete functions you would normally use a remote for…If you can find your remote.
Samsung Unveils First-Ever Motion-Controlled Angry Birds App for …

Utilizing Samsung’s Motion Control technology, consumers can play Angry Birds on the large TV screen for the first time ever, and enjoy a maximized, immersive and interactive gaming experience. With just the wave of the hand, fans can 

Tech World – Samsung’s Youm flexible display tech at CES

-Other News about Samsung’s Youm flexible display tech at CES

Samsung shows off Youm flexible display | CES 2013: Gadgets …

The technology, Samsung says during a CES keynote speech, will let the company’s partners make bendable, rollable, and foldable displays. Microsoft joins in the demo fun. Read this post by Jonathan Skillings on CES 2013: 

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Samsung Galaxy Youm Flexible Display Phone Gets Rendered …

Samsung Galaxy Youm Flexible Display Phone Gets Rendered, Specced.

Samsung Youm Flexible Display – The Awesomer

A 0.3mm thick flexible OLED display which can be bent or shaped to create cool new gadgets. Here, Samsung exec Brian Berkeley demos the tech on a curved smartphone to increase screen real estate.


New mobile generation Samsung Youm flexible display Demonstration @ CES 2013: via @YouTube

Flexible display

com/8301-34435_1-57563058/eyes-on-samsungs-youm-flexible-display-tech-at-ces-2013/ | title Eyes-on: Samsung’s Youm flexible-display tech at

Rollable display

last Skillings | first Jonathan | title Samsung shows off Youm Flexible display | url http://ces. cnet. shows-off-youm-flexible-display/ |

Rollable display

last Skillings | first Jonathan | title Samsung shows off Youm Flexible display | url http://ces. cnet. shows-off-youm-flexible-display/ |

Samsung Galaxy Youm phone with flexible display envisioned

Now a designer has come up with a concept idea of a Samsung Youm flexible display smartphone to give us an idea of what such a device could be like. Samsung showed off its Youm flexible OLED display ideas at CES 2013 and this is the basis of this 

5 features to expect in future smartphones

2. Flexible Screens. Samsung showed off it “Youm” flexible display at the International CES held in January this year. Several prototypes, including concepts for the iPhone 6 and Galaxy Note 3 have emerged online, which tout a flexible display. Thanks