GIGA: GeekMagazine is made up of a group of geeks volunteering their time to turn Giga into something awesome. We focus on all things geek: comics, gaming, otaku, movies, TV, technology, etc.
We aim to be different from all other geek-review sites by providing our honest opinions about the things we love, hate and everything in between.
If you’re interested in joining the team, after submitting the form at the bottom, please send 2 writing samples (at least 350 words each on any geek topic) and a quick blurb about yourself and your geek tendencies to our Editor-in-Chief (this is a Volunteer position):
Jacques A Montemoiño - Founder

♐ Founder 2012/Creative Director/Publisher/Producer ♐
GIGA Inception
“General Jack of All Trades”
Dr. Alia R. Tyner - Co-Founder
☼♌ Co-Founder/Chief Financial Officer♌☼
GIGA Inception
“The Fairy Godmother”
Roger Lopez - Business Strategist
Business Strategist
“The Oracle”
RaShaun Eshalomi - Editor-in-Chief

My sister introduced me to video games when I was very young and I’ve never stopped. We would have all-night game-athons with Donkey Kong and Myst. I play anything except Fighters and Sports, only because I suck at them. I’ve always been a writer, but have been writing about video games for a year and love it.
Adam M. Cleghorn - Writer
I review games and I’m a commission painter. I was born and raised on the east coast of Canada and started model building with my grandfather at a young age. As for writing I got into that in high school and I am happy to be able to combine these two things. I’ve been playing video games since I was 6; my first system was an Atari 2600. As for writing I got into that in high school and I am happy to be able to combine these things.
Alex McCumbers - Writer

Alex spends his days crushing pixelated enemies and shoveling in experience points. Influenced by games of the past, Alex would rather dust off a cartridge then fight with a disc. His words swirl in a storm, beckoned forth from the pits of language. The day of his rebirth is at hand. Beware gaming industry, Alex is coming.
Nathan J. Marchand - Writer

I am a writer. Story is my life. I graduated from TUFW with degree in professional writing so I could spend my life telling stories with my pen, my mouth, and my life. I’ve written a book, Pandora’s Box, and am working on the sequel. I also have a blog. I enjoy all things science fiction, fantasy, video games, comic books, etc. My mind is always entertaining “what if’s” and other strange ideas. I’ve always known I wasn’t normal (but then again, “normal” is a relative term).
Seany Flamingo - Contributor

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya… Wait that’s not right. I am vengeance! I am the night!… Ahh wrong again. I am the one who knocks… This is going nowhere fast. I’m Swimming in circles. Oh boy and now I’m quoting the worst (or best?) Three Ninjas movie. Enough. My name is Flamingo, Seany Flamingo. I read more comics and play more games than I honestly have time for. I’m always on the hunt for a good Tabletop RPG group. When I’m not doing that stuff, I love writing and creating in general.
Kenneth Medford - Contributor

Games, music, movies, TV, anime, manga and whatever else may cross my path will be addressed, loved, hated and everything else in between.
Chang Kim

Writer/Content Coordinator
Specialty – Anime/Manga Writer/
a.k.a “Saskim”
Follow Us
Jacques A.Montemoino – @JMontemoino
RaShaun Eshalomi – @RaylaDevine
Kenneth Medford – @AceofSpades1245
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Adam M. Cleghorn – @Adammcleghorn
Caitlin Safiran – @CaitlinSafiran
Nathan Marchand – @NathanMarchand7
Seany Flamingo- @stsdasnowman
Editors’ Blogs
RaShaun Eshalomi
My Life Starts Over
Kenneth Medford
Rants and Rhymes
Nathan Marchand
The Worlds of Nathan Marchand
Adam Cleghorn
Brynngar’s Gaming Blog
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Join the Giga Team’][contact-field label=’Full Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Highest level of education’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Area of Interest – If there is more than one add in the %26quot;Notes%26quot; Sections:’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Journalism,Video Journalism,Game Design/Development,Science,Technology,IT/Web Development,Drawing’/][contact-field label=’Experience’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’What Languages can you read%26#x002c; write%26#x002c; and speak WELL.’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Notes’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]