Alt Control Delete Kickstarter Page
A comic book mini-series set in a world where games are transfused with nearly every aspect of life and the singularity approaches.
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Alt Control Delete is a collaboration between writer Ramón Govea, DC/Wildstorm & Lion Forge Comics artist Eddie Nuñez, & the incredibly talented colorist Ander Zárate, who has painted for Marvel, DC Comics, and BOOM! Studios among others.
Set in a futuristic world where video games have evolved into a virtual reality professional sport. Technology and games permeate nearly every aspect of life in a culture that thrives on games and competition and a society where XP is currency. The prevalent philosophy of this society walks the border of trans-humanism: man and machine are beginning to merge, but not everyone is happy about it.

In Alt Control Delete: Collapse, rising star and professional gamer, Tess is in pursuit of her AWOL friend. When Tess’s secret investigation leads her deep into the gaming underbelly of New Angeles, she is faced with a choice: risk her tournament standings and follow her friend’s trail or return to the safety of the compound and forget what she’s seen.

We are seeking $10,000 USD to finish the 24-page first issue. The script is finished, and Eddie and Ander are already working on the rest of the pages for Issue #1. All of the funds raised here will go toward the art & printing of the book, fulfilling perks, marketing, and kicking transaction fees back to Kickstarter and Amazon.
As soon as the book is finished we pitch to publishers and submit to Comixology, the largest self-publishing platform for digital comics.

$5,200—Finish the First Issue
$1,800—Printing the First Issue
$1,100—Fulfill Rewards: Printing and US Shipping for perks
$800—Pay Amazon and Kickstartr Fees
The rest goes to right to Marketing, including Promotional Art & 2015 Convention Booths)

We are kicking it forward and donating 5% of anything raised over our goal amount to other Kickstarter projects.:

On Day 1, we got some love from the guys at Atomic Moo and will be doing an interview on their Moocast next week!
We were also featured on the popular geek fansite You Know Whaaa!